Extended application deadline for the Nature Conservation Engineers


The application deadline for the Nature Conservation Engineer certificate course at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences has been extended!

Those interested now have until April 30th to apply for this green training course and deepen their specialised knowledge in the field of nature conservation. More information about the course: https://www.fh-kaernten.at/nsfk

IMPORTANT - New funding opportunity: In 2024, 50% of the training costs for Nature Conservation Engineer will be covered by the Just Transition Fund for people in the following districts: Völkermarkt, Wolfsberg, St. Veit/Glan, Feldkirchen and Villach Land. In addition, 100% of the training for members of topic-related associations in the above-mentioned districts will be covered. You can find all information about the funding here: https://www.ktn.gv.at/Themen-AZ/Details?thema=3&detail=1325