Vegetation monitoring: green roof HTL-Lastenstraße


Together with partners HTL-Lastenstraße and GRÜNSTATTGRAU, the UNESCO CHAIR investigates the influence of vegetation on electricity production.

Accompanying the testing of different positioning and types of photovoltaic systems on the roof of the HTL-Lastenstraße (Klagenfurt), the effects of different green roofs on practicability, as well as effects on the electricity production of the photovoltaic system are being investigated. Classical plantings dominated by stonecrop (Sedum) and species compositions dominated by light-reflecting species were chosen for examining the effects of roof greening. The vegetation surveys were carried out according to classical vegetation science methods and additionally on the basis of a semi-automated photo evaluation.

Financed by: GRÜNSTATTGRAU Forschungs- und Innovations- GmbH

Project duration: September 2023 - December 2024